Brie White – Mom Whores Sissy Son
Duration: 14:00Views: 30KSubmitted: 3 years agoSubmitted by:
Models:Brie White
Categories:Mom Son
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I need to talk to you for a moment. I understand I am not your birth Mother, but that does not mean I don’t demand respect. You have not been pulling your weight around the house and it’s time to put a stop to that. I’ve seen your browsing history. I know you’re a fag. If you are going to be such a slut, I may as well earn a profit from it, right? That’s why I am placing special ads up on Craigslist, just for you. Maybe if you do a good job I’ll rent your holes out for more than $20. Here’s a big, thick black dildo and a nice heavy buttplug. I expect you to get your practice in, keep those holes nice and loose for Mommy. Who knows, maybe your slutty ass will like being whored out. Now open your mouth for Mommy. I want to watch you slob this cock off just like it’s the real thing.